I read a book called The Virgin Diet. It was an interesting read and eye opening as well. Do you know what chickens eat? Corn. Do you know what corn does to those chickens? It plumps them up! Do you know that is the reason farmers started feeding corn to their cows? To help "plump" them up? Do you know that organic/grass-fed beef does not have the marbling we have grown accustomed to? Like I said... eye opening. JJ Virgin goes on to talk about Soy and how it can prevent someone from losing weight. Example... she had a patient who was 100 or so pounds overweight and came into her office (she is a nutritionist) and said "I don't understand, I'm eating everything I should be". In looking through her journal, she noticed a lot of soy products being consumed. Apparently soy can impair thyroid function in addition to being a GMO. There are several other "bad" aspects mainly because we over-process our soy. If you go to Asia, you do not see them eating soy burgers, soy ice cream, soy milk.
I tried her 21 day elimination plan where you do not eat (ready for it?): corn, soy, dairy, sugar/artificial sweeteners, gluten, eggs, and peanuts. Can you imagine your diet without these? Corn and sugar/artificial sweeteners are in EVERYTHING! Needless to say, like my mom, I gave up too. I did keep a few things in my brain (in fact a lot). I found a locally available protein called Vega One. It's NOT like the whey protein, but the benefits are tremendous. You get HALF your daily vitamins in ONE SCOOP! All the ingredients are natural and whole foods which means are getting a TON of antioxidants, fiber, protein, omegas, and greens (see below)!
Isn't that crazy! Like I said, it's not like the whey protein you may accustomed to. Getting used to the flavor/texture does take time. I would not say I love (even now), but the benefits far out weight the flavor. Additionally, I think of buying a good quality multivitamin, like New Chapter's Every Woman's Multivitamin, plus buying supplies for breakfast and I break even. The cost of NC multi is $20 for a 24 day supply (depending on where you buy them). The cost of Vega One is roughly $60 and there are 22 servings. The total cost per breakfast is $3 and change. Yes that's more than cereal and milk, but compare the nutritional info.
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