Friday, July 18, 2014


Have you ever tried these? Ever heard of them? I have seen them at Sprouts, Whole Foods, and recently found them in Tom Thumb and Wal-Mart.

Did a little research of the ingredients and found the only "additive" is soy lecithin. This is an emulsifier found in hundreds of processed foods including health supplements and infant formulas. It does have benefits such as aiding in the performance of our heart, brain, and liver however, there is concern because it is considered a GMO (genetically modified organism). As I mentioned in a previous post, the way we process and consume soy here in the United States is not like Asian countries. As a result, soy can be detrimental to our health.

All this being said, the soy lecithin is the LAST ingredient listed and we (consumers) know that ingredients should be listed by amount used. As a result, I am not terribly concerned however, will be making a trip to Sprouts/Whole Foods to see what they have that is truly additive free.

I did pick up 5 of these Kind Bars this week as I help organize and ref a sand volleyball league. The start time is usually around 6pm and I am rarely hungry at that time. Also, the venue doesn't have a great selection of "healthy" food and when you add a meal onto the $1.50 per bottle of water, your tab can be painful. So... I sneak in these bars so I have a small meal to hold me over. I would NOT rely on these if I was actually playing because you will be starving after the first match is over.

The KIND company is all about being "kind". They have a motto: "do the kind thing for your body, your tastebuds, and the world". Love it!

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