Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Ever heard of this website? I think it is pretty cool. If you are self-motivated or have a friend/significant other available to work out with/simultaneously, you should check this out. For $10 per month, you get unlimited access to 14 workout programs which total to 100+ individual workouts. You can choose to follow a specific program or search for workouts based on difficulty, time, or trainer.

Never worked out before or it has been YEARS? Try True Beginner.
Like Insanity and P90X? Try Inferno and InfernoHR.
Like to dance? Try Move!
If you are limited on time, there is a program focused on 15 minute workouts called DB15.
No equipment? Go with the TBT program. Your body weight is the equipment. :-)
Pregnant? Want something to do during the last trimester (or sooner), follow Beautiful Belly.

Seriously, you can find something you enjoy doing on DailyBurn.com AND it's only $10! If you need/want nutrition help, they have a program called Ignite and you have access to recipes, knowledge, a community of people eating (or trying to eat) the same way.

I am starting with Cardio Sculpt. It is a 90 program with 6 workouts a week and on day 7 you do a recover video instead of a full-blown workout. For this program, I need a yoga mat, dumbbells, a step, and the optional piece is a medicine ball. The really optional piece of equipment is a pull up bar. Sorry, I have no intentions of trying that out. Not for me!

Day 1 will be tomorrow, day 90 will be October 7th. This is perfect because I was thinking of then completing the Move! videos to prep for the dance floor on my cruise! Woohoo!

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